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The Rotaract Club of Montebello’s active participation in the mental health District 9220 project on Saturday 16th March 2024 made a great difference in each member’s day !

The Rotaract Club of Montebello’s active participation in the mental health District 9220 project on Saturday 16th March 2024 made a great difference in each member’s day ! Engaging in such initiatives not only raises awareness but also contributes positively to the community’s well-being. ✨
It’s great that each Rotaractor enjoyed the activities and the vibrant atmosphere, and it’s even better to know that they found the sessions and therapies beneficial, leaving with smiles ☺️on their faces. Indeed, it sounds like a Saturday well spent, filled with meaningful experiences and connections. Such involvement reflects the club’s commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others.
Absolutely, taking time to disconnect from routine activities and relax in a healthy environment is crucial for mental well-being. Engaging in activities that allow for connection with both peers and professionals can provide valuable support and perspective.
It’s commendable that the Rotaract Club of Montebello recognized the importance of such opportunities and actively participated in the mental health district project to foster these connections. By creating spaces for relaxation and interaction, they not only contribute to individual well-being but also promote a culture of mental health awareness and support within the community.👏

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