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Rotary Fellowship & Exchange of Pennants

Rotary Fellowship & Exchange of Pennants
One of the most important aspects in Rotary is fellowship. District 3191 allowed the opportunity to District 9220 to collaborate during the fellowship time,
It was a great pleasure for Pdt Leena from RC Montebello to meet the different presidents from the different Clubs for the Pennant Exchange which makes a lot of difference in the clubs.💯
The Pennants were exchanged during the District Conference, the most appropriate time to connect with all presidents and clubs.
A very special thanks🙏 to RC Bangalore Lakeside for the special fellowship evening organized on the 29th of Jan 2024 where Pdt Leena had the opportunity to meet with all key members and pillars of RC Bangalore Lakeside as well as the Charter President of the Club.

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