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Culture Exchange: Sunday 10th September 2023 Interact Club of Montebello RID 9220 & Interact Club Colombo, Sri Lanka RID 3220

Culture Exchange: Sunday 10th September 2023
Interact Club of Montebello RID 9220 & Interact Club Colombo, Sri Lanka RID 3220
It was a thrilling 🎆afternoon with the Culture Exchange session that was held between the two Interact Clubs. During this month of Basic Education & Literacy, members of Interact Club of Montebello extended their friendship internationally🤝. This session was held to share knowledge about the culture of the two countries 🇲🇺 🇱🇰 . The members of Interact Club of Montebello went far ahead by wearing attire according to the different cultures to give a live demonstration though the session was a virtual one. Bravo 👏to the group who have worked on the very informative PowerPoint presentation.
Congratulations 🎉to interactors of both Interact Clubs of Montebello and Colombo for this sharing. Well done👍 to the Interactors of Interact Club of Montebello who took the initiative to host this fruitful session. A great thanks to Interactor Tanya, Director of International service who connected the two clubs. It is a clear demonstration of the leadership skills that these youngsters possess💫.
Thank you Pdt Dakshanaa for leading this wonderful session and gratitude to all members present today in the Club and giving full support to make each event a great one.

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